With over two decades of beauty industry experience, Sugrbum founder Alhaji Sesay has always sought ways to boost, not only clients’ confidence, but his own.

After discovering body washes often don’t fully remove odor in intimate areas and that deodorant ruined garments, Alhaji researched natural alternatives and began testing solutions he created. He made a foaming deodorizer for easy application and for less product consumption.

Because cancer has affected the lives of many loved ones, he is committed to the use of more natural alternatives. Sugrbum is focused on continued health & beauty innovations, specifically addressing the concerns of BIPOC & LGBTQ+ communities.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Message from our Founder

“I believe confidence is the key to move throughout this world uninhibited, allowing more moments of freedom and opportunity. I created Sugrbum to provide quality personal care products that increase confidence.”

-Alhaji Sesay (Founder & CEO)
