TLC Engineering, Inc. was established and incorporated by Tony L. Council, P.E. on September 2, 1994, but due to Mr. Council having other work engagements, TLC Engineering, Inc. did not operate until January 1, 2001. TLC also adopted its Bylaws of Incorporation under the Laws of the State of Texas.
TLC is a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Small Business Enterprise (SBE) certified by the City of Houston, the Houston Minority Business Council, and is a Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) certified by the State of Texas. The firm comprises an in-house staff of professional engineers, environmental specialists, project managers, certified inspectors, and administrative staff at its headquarters. The firm also has managers, project managers, and engineers at branch locations in California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Tennessee.
TLC endeavors to provide customized solutions for our client’s needs. We provide turnkey services ranging from conceptual design to facilities commissioning, to include all construction activities.